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Sequence 04.00_04_39_23.Still011.png
Sequence 04.00_04_40_25.Still006.png

< Collection of Frames>

Single-Channel Video, 33' 10", 2019

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Sequence 04.00_04_45_19.Still010.png
Sequence 04.00_04_42_03.Still001.png
Sequence 04.00_04_42_14.Still009.png
Sequence 04.00_04_42_01.Still008.png

An ordinary man who can hardly cross or stay complacent within the intangible border. 

The reason it feels like we share some sort of resemblance is because we are all tied to something for most of our lives. It could be social norm, gaze of an unspecified majority, morals, and many other memories or experience you can’t name that play the certain role of standards or boundaries from time to time. Many among those consume significant amount of time in roaming narrowly around that ambiguous border allowing a bit of freedom and restraint at the same time. Perhaps that’s why we are to live as human together.

Sequence 04.00_13_57_12.Still003.png

During the performance, the dancer performs live along with the film. Another performer records all these scenes through instagram live which is available only for 24 hours and the live streaming footage is displayed real time on the monitor outdoor. Viewers are able to witness all different kinds of frames throughout the whole performance.

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