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Semin Hong is a South Korean artist (1995, Pennsylvania) who lives and

works in London, UK. She studied MA Fine Art at UAL Chelsea College

of Arts in London and BFA Painting at Hongik University in Seoul. She

was previously an artist in residence at Sarabande Foundation (est. Lee

Alexander McQueen) and now is in The Bomb Factory Art Foundation.


Semin’s work starts from the belief that every space anyone has ever lived

in, whether it’s called home, shelter, or without a name, is inscribed with

memory and always left with indecipherable traces and marks.


Through mixed media installation, she explores relationships between

people and home, especially in the context of migration. In her work, the

elements of home -whether they are architectural fragments or gestures

extracted from ritualistic actions taking place in domestic space- are

isolated and inserted into the new context. By building a temporary shelter

in a gallery and using repeated motifs from her childhood memory, she

attempts to navigate immigrant identity and belongingness entwined with

the concept of home.


Her choice of materials used in the installations relies mostly on portability.
She works predominantly with foldable fabrics that could fit in luggages as

all her works are meant to be carried around with her through her personal

migration. Objects and videos used in installations function as lexicons

indicating personal imageries from her nostalgic memory of first home.



2020 - 2021   UAL Chelsea College of Arts, MA Fine Art

2014 - 2018   Hongik University, BFA Painting



2022 - 2023   Bomb Factory Foundation, Covent Garden & Holborn

2021 - 2022   Artist in residence at Sarabande Foundation




Background Noises, Des Bains, London, UK

Yuán, How long have we known home?, Bomb Factory, London, UK

A Lighter Cloud, Galleria Objets, London, UK

Anticamera Lived Bodies: Affect and Effect, Parsec, Bologna, Italy

Everything is Connected in Life: Art and Wellbeing, Gerald Moore Gallery,

London, UK



Keep In Touch, Host, London, UK

SEEDS, Hypha Studios, Reading, UK

Home Away From Home, House of Annetta, London, UK

(Homing, or) Adverse Possession, Keepsake Project, London, UK

Residents Exhibition, Bomb Factory Covent Garden, London, UK

Altered Planes, Metre Squared Studios, London, UK

Tourist In Your Own Home, GlogauAIR, Berlin, Germany



(...)Forgot to Remember to Forget(...), Gerald Moore Gallery, London, UK

Soon This will be Over, Sarabande Foundation, London, UK

Bon Voyage, Slash Arts, London, UK



3:30 AM, County Courts, London, UK

Postcards From Isolation, Archäologisches Museum Innsbruck, Austria

[Unknown Observer] with Sotheby's, Cookhouse Gallery, London, UK

QWE’RE London, Matchstick Piehouse, London, UK

Before the Applause, Triangle Gallery, London, UK



Late at Tate, Tate Britain, London, UK

Do you believe in An-nyeong, Sungshin Women's University, Seoul, Korea

Monolith, Virus, White Noise Seoul, Seoul, Korea



Double-sided Tape, YDPC Studio, Seoul, Korea

3rd Young Artists Exhibition [No-yes], Post Territory Ujeongguk, Seoul, Korea

Datenighthighlight, White Noise Seoul, Seoul, Korea



Pale Blue Dot, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea

Shady Shack, Space 9, Seoul, Korea

2nd Young Artists Exhibition [it-da], Haenghwatang, Seoul, Korea



Press & Publications

2023  Hollow Mountain, Dovetail Magazine, US

2023  Anticamera issue 01.2 - Lived Bodies: Affects and Effects by Ardesia Project, Italy

2022  RTM Pascale's Radio Show w/ Semin Hong, UK

2022  Dreaming of Home:‘Forgot to Remember to Forget’, QILU Criticism, CHINA

2022  Paolo Carzana SS23 Press Release, UK

2022  Identity and Art: a conversation with Sarabande, Shoreditch House, London

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